
Today was a good day in many ways. No nausea! Hooray! Pain continues, but was well managed today. Another hooray! I was able to work on more sun printing. A hooray and a yippie! Best of all…I was able to see and visit with some of my work family (Ann, Sue, Brendan and Brandon). A triple hooray and a double yippie!

Tomorrow we head back to Rochester. This time we are going to fly! I’m a little nervous about being in an airport full of people.

Wednesday is a full day of appointments: blood draw, CT scan (to see if the cancer shows up anywhere else), office visit with the radiation oncologist, office visit with the medical oncologist, and then finish the day with another COVID test. At this point nothing is scheduled for Thursday or Friday. Third cycle of chemo starts next Monday and continues through Tuesday and Wednesday, then we fly back home on Thursday.

Milton can sleep anytime and anywhere!

Milton can sleep anytime and anywhere!


Quick Report


Ups and Downs