Somewhat Better!

Today was a better day - but there were still some rough patches. The nausea continued throughout the day, but not as intense as yesterday. It is frustrating because I keep thinking the anti-nausea pills will stop the nausea, but they don’t. I appreciate that the mornings are more tolerable so we are able to get out for nice long walks. It’s the best part of the day…when I feel my calmest. The burning sensation in my behind is the worst. The episodes were fewer today so I was thankful for that. I still hold out that whatever I experience today brings me another step closer to healing…and that’s what I hang on to. Tomorrow starts my last week of radiation…only 5 treatments left. I know I can do it!

This is a tar patch on the trail…looks like the big bad wolf!

This is a tar patch on the trail…looks like the big bad wolf!




Not a Great Day